Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


Willing Obedience Part 1

1 CHRONICLES 28 & 29

(29:14-17) But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. We are aliens and strangers in your sight, as were all our forefathers. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. O Lord our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you.

David had it in mind to build a Temple for God in Israel during his reign. God instead chose David to be the messenger and then turn the reign over to Solomon and allow him to build it.

David went before the assembly and spoke what God had told him and he told the assembly to be careful to follow all of God's commands in helping build this Temple. He then turned to Solomon and told him to serve God wholeheartedly and with a willing mind because "the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts" (28:9).

God had given David the complete blueprint of this Temple, even the instructions on decorating it. David then turned it all over to Solomon. Solomon must have looked overwhelmed because after David gave him the instructions, David then told Solomon to be strong and courageous and not be afraid or discouraged. He told Solomon that God would not fail nor forsake him and he would not be doing it alone because every willing man skilled in any craft would help build it; they would obey every command (28:11-21).

Let's linger here for a moment. First, David thought he knew what he was supposed to do: reign as King over Israel and build a Temple for God. I wonder how he felt when God said no and gave the position to his son. Although it doesn't say in scripture, David's actions speak volumes. He didn't hesitate; he quickly went before the assembly and Solomon and turned it over to them. What obedience!

Then Solomon suddenly inherits a kingdom and has an instant responsibility to build a Temple for God. What an overwhelming moment to one day be the King's son and the next to be the King, and not only rule Israel but to have a huge responsibility of building a Temple for God.

What is awesome is that both David and Solomon immediately obeyed God's direction and jumped right in to their responsibilities. There was no complaining or lingering. They just obeyed; with a willing heart they obeyed God.

Sometimes God asks us to do things that we may see as impossible or overwhelming. He says He will be with us and will not forsake us during that season. We need to obey, and with a willing heart.

Part 2 of tomorrow's devotion will dig a little deeper into the building of the Temple. It's about to get exciting so come back. God Bless~

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