Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


Share, Don't Quarrel

2 TIMOTHY 2:23-24/ TITUS 3:9-11

Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguements, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.

But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because they are unprofitable and useless. Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

The author of Ecclesiastes said "there is a time for everything" and he goes on to list such things as crying, laughing, tearing, mending, etc. And there is. It is probably not a proper time to laugh during a funeral or cry when your best friend is sharing a joke. But there is something we should never stop doing. That is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost.

The exciting news is that with the economy unstable, a new president coming into office, healthcare coverage unsure, we should have an ample amount of opportunity to share hope and faith to a lost and dying world. We should never run out of anything to talk about that God can't be brought up in the subject. The world needs us. They are looking for answers. We have them!

Forewarning! We can easily become entangled in a discussion that its only purpose is to cause dissension and be unproductive. If you have done any witnessing you have probably come accross such a situation. The person will have the "teenage" attitude that says "I am always right. I know more than you." With such people God warns to share the truth, not argue, then move on.

If Satan can get us preoccupied with a person who clearly doesn't want to know the truth then we will have wasted our time and missed the opportunity to share God's Word with a person who needs and wants to hear it.

Share the Gospel. Don't argue. God can defend Himself. Then pray for the person and allow God to finish the work. God Bless~

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