Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


Weekends With God

It's Friday! For many of you this means a weekend of fun and no work. That is great. God wants us to rest and get rejuvinated. Even He rested after working so hard to create the world.

I like my weekends. The whole family can gather at this time and enjoy life as a family. Many times we don't go anywhere special. We just hang out at home. Other times we venture out into the world and explore. Either way, it is nice to do anything but work.

What happens when we shove everything into a weekend, knowing there isn't enough time for it all before Monday comes around? What tends to suffer is our time with the Lord on Sundays. It gets shoved aside. We use the excuse of "I work all week and want to spend time with my family on the weekends."

There is nothing more important than a family worshipping the Lord together. As parents we are to be examples to our children. If we don't teach the importance of leading a Godly life, no one else will. Sunday worship should be of utmost importance.

Isaiah 58:13-14 says
If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath
and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight
and the LORD's holy day honorable,
and if you honor it by not going your own way
and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,

then you will find your joy in the LORD,
and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land
and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."
The mouth of the LORD has spoken.

Why are so many families falling apart? God is not top priority. He is no longer the foundaton that holds them together, if He ever was in the beginning. To survive in this ungodly world, we must make serving God a first priority. Our children's future depends on us leading them now.

I encourage you to have fun this weekend. Rest and enjoy your family. But do not forget God in the process. That is the best quality time you can give your children. God Bless~

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