"No more work needed! You don't have to change anything! Just take this pill and sit back and watch the pounds fall off! No exercise necessary! Throw out the 'no pain no gain' motto!"
Every commercial that advertises the miracle weight-loss pill proclaims at least one of these statements. They lead you to think that if you take their pills you can still eat what you want, be lazy and still lose weight. This is why they are making so much money. Their formula of "Eat + lazy + pill = nice body" is enticing to most people.
The problem is that it is not true. It does not work. We know this but we still try it in hopes that some day scientists will come up with a miracle pill. I call that insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
The only true way of losing weight and keeping it off is a complete lifestyle change. Choosing healthier foods, exercising regularly, eliminating things that would harm our body; all this will produce lasting results.
So why don't we choose the lifestyle change? One, it's difficult to give up things we desire (ie. cakes, cookies, no exercise, etc.). Two, society would rather obtain things the easy way than get up and work at it.
Unfortunately this motto flows over into our spiritual lives. We desire to see our loved ones saved so we water down the gospel by telling them they don't need to give up their selfish desires to be a Christian. Therefore these people go through the ritual of accepting Christ, thinking they can then continue their lives as they were.
Worse, many of us take on the same motto. We allow God to have control of most of our lives but we set a few habits aside and won't allow Him to touch those. We bear the name of Christ yet do not fully give our lives to Him.
Both are absolutely wrong and a lie from the devil. This is like saying "I am on a diet but I still eat the same amount of junk and don't exercise just as I did before I started my diet." So the question is "What have you changed to consider yourself on a diet?"
You say "I have accepted Christ and I am now a Christian." My question is "What have you changed to consider yourself a Christian?" Just confessing something does not change the situation. The confession of Christ is just the beginning of being a Christian. Then comes the real work. Anything worth having or being is worth working for.
This year, 2009, resolve to truly live the life of a Christian. Live a life worthy of bearing His name. How do you do that?
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Lay down your old self. Resolve to get rid of the junk (sin) in your life. Replace it with fruit (the fruit of the Spirit-Galatians 5:22-23). Eat regularly (read the Bible regularly; if you eat physical food more than once a day don't you think it is just as important to feed on the Word of God more than once a day?). Exercise regularly (live the Word of God out; don't just confess it, do it).
Resolve to be a healthier Christian this year. God Bless~
Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!
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"I'm a Christian, I serve a loving god, My god would never do the things they say in the bible." I hear comments like this all the time. I use the small "g" because these people are not serving Jehovah and are not Christians. The word means 'little Christ'. Christ taught from the bible. Christ said he was here to fulfill the law not abolish it. Christ said God was a just God. God tells us his word is true and unfailing.
ReplyDeletePeople hate to face God. They prefer to listen to preachers and then remind themselves that preachers are human and get things wrong. This way they can justify their continuing in a sinful lifestyle. God will forgive them if their wrong and the preacher is probably the person who is wrong. After all that dusty old book was written hundreds of years after the message was spoken and based on oral traditions. It's full of mistakes and we probably translated it wrong.
These are excuses. They are not truth. They do not stand up under scrutiny. It's time to abandon the self absorbed lies and live the way God told us to in his Word.