It is great to start the new year debt-free. Many people can't say that. Visa and Mastercard companies have moved in and taken residence in their homes. They have become unwanted guests, reaking havoc. With them come chains of bondage wrapped so tight it chokes.
I don't think anyone sets a goal of being indebted for the rest of their lives. It is the enticing, worldly treasures that pull us in. Being a "now" generation, we tend to grasp onto every treasure that looks good whether we can afford it or not; only to find ourselves in bondage later on.
Imagine something for me. When you go to the store to shop and find something as basic as a nice shirt, you pull out your credit card and swipe it. As the cashier gives you a receipt and your bag she is also giving you a huge chain around your neck. It is about 50 pounds in weight. You now have to wear it everywhere you go until you pay off your debt. But hey, at least you can wear that chain with your nice shirt.
Now imagine having that happen every time you swipe your credit card. The weight of the chain increases as the price of your goods go up. Eventually you will be so weighted down with chains you will not be able to move.
Getting what you want when you want it doesn't sound as enticing anymore does it? It is just not as exciting. Waiting until you had the money now looks like a more logical decision.
Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
Any person that must use a credit card to purchase something is poor. No matter how many things they have accumulated, no matter how rich they look; if they can not purchase it without borrowing from a lender then they can not afford it.
A borrower is servant to the lender. A servant is a slave, one who is subject to their master. That is why they call it MASTERcard. These lenders now control the borrower's income, their life's ambitions, even their ministry. How? If the majority of their money is going to the lenders they are not free to put it where they want it to go.
Scenario: Your friend calls you on the phone and is in dire need. Their house just burnt down with all their belongings. She and her children are left with no where to go and have no clothes. She needs your help. The Red Cross can only do so much. Her family is long gone. She needs you.
You, on the other hand, just maxed out your credit cards on a flat screen TV, nice furniture, DVDs and video games for your children, and owe a huge debt to MASTERcard. You just spent your last dime on your monthly payment. What do you say? "Sorry friend, I like my 'toys' too much. I am choosing my worldly possessions over warmth for your children."
There is nothing wrong with having nice things. If you work hard for them, pay your tithes first, and take care of your family's needs, then enjoy them! The problem is when you buy them with money you do not have and are forever indebted to your lender. It hinders your future.
Do you know what is in store for the lenders whose job is to put people in bondage? Proverbs 22:16 says He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty. The credit card companies are not lending you money to be generous. They aren't thinking of how to make your life easier by lending you money. They know how to increase their wealth by enticing you to get what you want now and pay for it later. And you do pay for it later, for a very long time.
I encourage you to resolve to become debt-free this year. Spend only what you have at hand. Don't fall prey to the "gotta-have-it-now" motto. Save for emergencies. Most importantly, give to God what is God's. Allow Him to control your finances. Then watch the chains begin to fall off. Now that's a weight loss program! God Bless~
Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!
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