Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


What Church Are You? Ephesus?


Revelation 2:2,4

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance...Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love...

For the next week we are going to study the seven churches in the province of Asia that are mentioned in the book of Revelation. Much can be learned from these churches when we weigh them against our own lives.


The church in Ephesus was dedicated to truth. They went to extreme measures to expose false teachers. In turn they had to endure persecution and hardship. They never grew weary in the work of the ministry.

The problem was that they were so "busy" ministering that they lost their focus, the reason for their ministry; the God behind their ministry. Verse 4 said they had forsaken their first love. They had done so well and then fell into sin.

It is our responsibility to use our talents and gifts to minister. It is our responsibility to "be the church," but at what cost? Ministry does not get us into heaven. A true relationship with God is what separates us from the world and unites us with Him.

It is easy for any minister to busy him/herself in the work of the ministry and neglect their own relationship with God. A minister is anyone who does the work of the Kingdom of God; whether it be a Pastor, Sunday School teacher, witness to your neighbor or co-worker, etc.

Here is a way to measure your ministry against your relationship with God:

-If your ministry position takes first place, putting your personal time with God second, then your position has become a job not a ministry.

-If you are giving into your ministry more energy than you are in your personal time with God, then your position has become a hindrance not a ministry.

-If you find yourself dreading your responsibilities in the ministry then you have forsaken your first love.

If we neglect our personal relationship with God, even if it is because we are ministering, we will be a target for sin. We will become the very thing we stand against.

Do you remember the season in your life when you were most in love with God? The emotions you felt, the desire to be alone with Him, the excitement you had in praising Him; He longs for that again. He desires the long talks; the times you would pour over His Word just to get to know Him. He longs to hear the adoration you once sang out to Him.

He appreciates your hard work in the ministry; the sacrifices you have made. But what He desires more is a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of our lips confessing His name. He still wants us to do good and share with others but with balance. For with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:15-16)

Let us rejoin our First Love and remind Him how much we love Him. God Bless~

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