Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


A Proper Time For Harvest Time


Let us never become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

I love the ministry. What I love even more is seeing the benefits from it. Last night I received such a blessing that no earthly thing could have replaced it. I had recently began teaching Sunday School class for K-2nd grade and at first wasn't sure I was going to like it. I am not too hip on teaching kids. A month into teaching two young boys began coming. They are being fostered by a wonderful couple in the church. The boys are full of energy and were at first a bit unruly. You could tell they were not used to church. And they weren't too hip on affection either. When my husband poked one of them in the rib the little one yelled out in surprise, "Hey, you tickled me!"

Well, as time has gone on the boys are doing well. They are learning and, I believe, going to be great men of God some day. But last night for the first time these boys found me from across the building, ran to me with the rest of their foster crew, and they ALL hugged me. I think I received hugs from 6 or so children. It was awesome! Most of the little ones looked at me wondering why they were hugging me since they didn't know me but they were just following along with the two boys that did know me. I then shared a pack of gum with them all and sent them on their way.

I haven't always seen the harvest. Many times I have sown for countless hours with sweat that seemed more like blood pouring off me wondering why I was even there. I wondered if God even knew if I was there. I praise God that He doesn't live by my timing because in His time, the proper time, the harvest will come in. What He has asked us to work so hard on has not been in vain. Nothing He asks us to do is in vain.

When we are weak and feel we can no longer give anything else it is those times we must realize we have given and forgotten to take. We can not give something we do not possess. That is why it is so important to consistently stay in the Word. If we aren't drawing from God's Word to be refreshed because we are too busy working His kingdom then we will burn out. That is like expecting a farmer to work his field from beginning to end, from sowing to harvest, without eating or rest. That would be insane. Yet in the ministry we can easily find ourselves doing the same thing. We deplete ourselves of the necessities to stay alive spiritually and go full force to further His kingdom. Yes, the world needs us. We need to spread the Word. We can't if we are burnt out.

How do we not grow weary? One, consistently feed on the Word of God and pray. Two, rest in His presence. Three, have patience. You may not see the harvest of your hard work in an instance. It may take time. Keep doing what God has asked and at the proper time the harvest will come. God bless~

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