Welcome to Fresh Wisdom. Our intent here is to encourage, through the Word of God, all who visit this site. Wisdom is an important gift given by God to all who desire it. We need it. This world is full of deceit and can be confusing at times. We need to have the Word of God hidden in our hearts so we can deflect the arrows of sin constantly aiming at us. God Bless!


Unveiled Faces

2 CORINTHIANS 3:17-18 (read all of chapter 3 to understand the full context)

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Whenever Moses met with God he would put a veil over his face when talking with the Israelites so as not to show the radiance of God that was shining brightly on his face. That was under the old covenant.(Exodus 34:29-35)

The veil remains under the old covenant. Under the new covenant with Christ we are to allow the radiance of God to shine for others to see. Christ removes the veil when we choose to follow Him. And when He does, others around us notice the "glow".

Have you ever noticed a pregnant woman's "glow"? Her face changes into a radiant shine that many notice. Many times, before her stomach begins showing signs of pregnancy, people notice the "glow" and assume that she is pregnant.

We need to have that same "glow" that radiates the glory of God in our lives. And as we become more and more like Him that glow should become brighter and brighter. People should be able to notice that "glow" before they even meet us.

Are you radiating the glory of God today? If not spend some time before God and allow Him to replenish that "glow". Let Him fill you with His Spirit to overflowing, spilling over onto others. God bless~


Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to the two loves of my life...my Father in heaven and my husband. I have been committed to my Father for 22 years and to my husband for almost 17.

Both tend to spoil me...way more than I deserve. I know if I need either on of them, which is always, that I have a strong hand to guide me and strong arms to hold me.

My heavenly Father is first in my life. I run to Him first, unless there is some rodent or bug in the house. Then I am screaming for the other strong arm in the house. Haha. I love my Father very much. He gave up everything for me. He loves me and disciplines me when needed. He is patient with me, not wanting me to perish. He gives me everything I need. Oh how I love my heavenly Father.

My husband comes in second. What a man! One thing he has learned and gained much of since entering this marriage is patience. He is a good man. He takes care of me and I would have no other man in my life than he.

Happy Valentine's Day all! Show someone you care today. This is a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus to someone who does not have it.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight with evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...


Wise Fools

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

It is frustrating to witness to someone who clearly thinks Christianity is a joke. Having to deal with the ridicule and demeaning comments can be unbearable at times. It may even make you question whether you have the truth or not.

According to Paul, the wise will be made fools through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1Cor. 1:19 God said he would destroy the wisdom of the wise and frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent. Eventually scientists will have to bow their knee to Christ having to give up on their theories. Their intelligence will look foolish when it stands against the Word of God.

We as humans tend to think we know more than we do. We try to rationalize everything and if it doesn't fit into the logic box then it must not be so. But God and His Word is not rational...it is supernatural. God is beyond our natural minds. This is why Proverbs 3:5 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding...

The next time you come across an unrepentant person who thinks Christianity is wrong, remember that their mind can't comprehend God's grace. And since they are trying to rationalize with natural understanding they will not comprehend or grasp the true understanding of who God is. So instead of getting frustrated take a deep breath, present the Gospel, then put them in the hands of the Almighty God.

Get out there and witness! God Bless~


Hope Beyond Your Strength

Looking for hope in a hopeless situation? Are you not finding the "light at the end of the tunnel"? Does your mountain look to big to climb?


God knew before your situation came up what was going to happen. He began preparing the way beforehand. He even knows the ending result. Therefore He is prepared to impart wisdom upon you to be victorious.

PSALM 33:16-22 No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.

When a problem arrises our natural reaction is to fix it. If it becomes impossible for us to fix it we get anxious and lose hope. We have a tendency to grab at straws guessing the solution to our problems. The harm in that without God's guidance we tend to grab the wrong straw and make an even bigger mess.

We need to realize that no matter how big our mountain, no matter how deep our valley, God has all the tools we need to overcome any problem we have. It won't be in our own strength, or with our own hands (no warrior escapes by his great strength). But by God's mighty hand and protective shield, we can have victory over trials and our enemies.

Don't let the size of your mountain dictate the outcome of your trial. Don't rely on your own strength to win the battle. Put your hope in God, draw wisdom from Him, and use His tools to win the victory.

"In a valley you can find streams of living water. On a mountain you can touch the heavens" God bless~


He Restoreth My Soul

Recently I had the opportunity to spend time at the altar in prayer. It's another week of prayer and fasting with our church.I love those weeks. It is during those times I can literally forget the outside world and focus solely on God. It is refreshing and definitely enlightening. God has alot to say if we would just listen.

As I was praying God brought to my attention what He has done for me in just this past year. It has been amazing. A year ago I was in the depths. I had wondered at times if God had remembered where I was. I am not sure I could have gone any deeper into the pit of despair.

I remember sitting at the altar a year ago in the dark. I had gone to church, locked the doors behind me, left the lights off and found myself at the altar wrapped in a ball and crying. I knew God could hear me. I knew that He loved me enough to answer my plea. But it was taking longer than I felt I could wait for.

I remember crying out, "God, what are you doing to me? I know you are pruning me...molding me, but this really hurts. Please get me out of this pit."

Did I get an answer that night? No. I had to be patient a little longer. God had to prune me some more. And that He did! If a plant could talk it would probably tell you that pruning is a painful process. But we know that it is necessary for the plant to grow properly and to look beautiful. So it is with us. God prunes us in order for us to grow properly.

Pruning is the process of taking off what would stunt our spiritual growth and later choke us to death. We may not like it during the process but we will later when we realize what God has done.

God has brought me to a beautiful place. He has brought me out of the pit and into a palace. He is daily restoring my soul, renewing my spirit, revealing His truth, refining me into His likeness. God is so good! He is worthy to be praised!

PSALM 23:3-4 He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

After giving God the worship due Him, which I love to do, I then got this burden to pray that others in our church and the lost in our community would have the opportunity to experience the love of God like I have. Oh the blessings He has for his children! My prayer is that they will draw from God and allow Him to pull them out of the pit and that they would allow Him to prune them into His likeness. I pray that they would be able to experience salvation, deliverance, healing, freedom from oppression, and blessings from on high. There is no way one can come out of this without feeling God's love. It may feel uncomfortable at first but with patience and relying on God's strength, we can find that it is well worth it.

I pray this same prayer for you today. Find a quiet place to pray and allow God to prune you, to refine you...to cut off what is not of Him and to burn out what is keeping you from experiencing His blessings. God Bless~


Shout Your Walls Down


verse 20 When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city.

God gave Joshua a command that seemed insane and illogical to the human brain, a command that would rock the Israelite's world. Jericho was a sinful city and needed captured. It was protected by a strong wall. Joshua and his people couldn't break through in their own strength. It was going to take the supernatural.

God told Joshua to tell the Israelites to march around the walls of Jericho once each day while blowing the horn each day for 6 days. Then on the 7th day march 7 times and then on the 7th they were to shout. That is when the walls of Jericho will tumble.

I am sure that sounded insane to Joshua but he did it anyway. My point today is not the obedience though. You see, I taught this lesson in Sunday School last week and during church service later on God brought to remembrance the lesson during a song. I don't remember the song now but it had the word "shout" in it. And God spoke to me and said we tend to wait to shout the victory until we see evidence of it instead of "shouting the victory down." The Israelites didn't wait until after the walls crumbled to shout. It was the shouting that made the walls crumble.

It is our praises that crumbles those walls, those mountains, that have kept us from taking what belongs to us. Let us shout the walls down! God Bless~

Listen to this beautiful song- We Worship You In The Spirit -- Shekinah Glory Ministries

Shekinah Glory Ministry - Praise Is What I Do - Worship Medley: I Worship You In the Spirit